Groningen Alumni Song

Om mee te zingen:

I kiss my mom goodbye in the drizzling rain
“Thanks for doing my laundry” – I get on the train
Groningen welcomes me; I say hi to Ome Loeks
Then I buy a magazine from the homeless clown
See the sun come out as I walk into town

Oh Groningen I love you
Can’t stop thinking of you
No matter what I do
Grunnen on my mind

Trying to park my bike near the library
But 3.000 others were there before me…
At last I open my notebook, in my favourite reading room
I sit down, I look around me and I like what I see
Four hundred years, my university!

I’m in my room with a book in my lap, I try to concentrate…
then a knock at the door, and in comes my friend
yet another day in Groningen that will have no end:

Sunny afternoon, let’s make an early start
First, have a couple of beers at the Grote Markt
We drink a toast to the alumni, our ambassadors all over the world
Then paint the town red until the early morning
Till we see the sun light up the Martinitoren


3 reacties op “Groningen Alumni Song”

  1. Peter Zegt:

    Grappig gedaan. Muzikaal vind ik het prima in elkaar zitten.
    En wel een leuke vondst: early morning rijmen op Martinitoren 🙂

  2. Robert Zegt:

    Inderdaad leuk gedaan. 🙂 Is die zanger niet ver gekomen in ‘The Voice of Holland’ afgelopen seizoen?

  3. De Dappere Man Zegt:

    Ja deze zat in de mail! Leuk!


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